The pandemic changed our lives, but there are people who have been more affected than others. This project came to life in 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic was still in its early stages here in Colombia.
In those moments of the pandemic, when everything literally went to hell, this project gave me the reason to do something beyond with my photography. It was an opportunity to contribute, to help in some way the people who were becoming imperceptible to many. Through my camera, I delved into pure, documentary-style photography, a raw realism that aimed to give visibility to hidden realities. Documenting the lives of these people and seeing how they remained strong in the face of adversity gave me a purpose beyond simply capturing images; it allowed me to witness stories of resilience that needed to be told.
With the help of Antonio Castañeda, a social worker and artist, I had the opportunity to visit the homes of many people who live nearby, some of them familiar faces from the neighborhood and the surrounding area, and document what was happening in their lives during such a difficult time. It was both a beautiful and strange experience: entering the homes of people I had crossed paths with on the street, photographing them in their spaces, and listening to their stories, with the goal of letting more people know a piece of this reality.
We presented this project along with the Prodisca Foundation led by Mr. Antonio Castañeda to the mayor of Sutatenza, and with his help, we were able to reach the rural areas where I had the opportunity to meet and photograph elderly people who are forgotten. In these isolated communities, the faces of loneliness and vulnerability among the elderly became even more visible. This experience allowed me to capture the harsh reality of those who live far from the attention they deserve, far from the resources that others may have more easily.

I want to take this moment to express my sincere gratitude to each of the individuals featured in these portraits. Their resilience, strength, and willingness to share their stories in such difficult times were what made this project possible. Without their collaboration, this effort would not have been the same.
Unfortunately, due to various reasons, this project was put on hold, but with the promise that as a photographer, I will continue to capture projects like this, with the hope of raising awareness, encouraging reflection, and contributing in some way with each image. Although the project couldn't continue as initially planned, the conviction that photography can be a tool for visibility and change remains strong.
This time, it wasn’t about perfection, nor the beautiful face of a model or a shiny product, but about reality and how difficult it can sometimes seem.